====== RTF-Codes ====== ===== Font (character) Formatting Properties ===== These control words (described as in the syntax description) change font (character) formatting properties. A control word preceding plain text turns on the specified attribute. \\ Some control words (indicated in the following table by an asterisk ***** following the description) can be turned off by the control word followed by 0 . For example, \b turns on bold, while **\b0** turns off bold. \\ Die meisten Formatierungen können mit dem Befehl **\plain** ausgeschaltet werden.\\ Bei Formatierung, die in **Gruppen** vorgenommen werden, schaltet das Gruppenende-Zeichen aus. Eine Gruppe wird mit **{** begonnen und mit **}** beendet. Bsp.: **{\i Text}** führt zum selben Ergebnis wie **\i Text\plain** oder **\i Text\i0**.\\ Nach einem Befehl muss immer ein Leerzeichen kommen; dieses kann entfallen, wenn direkt ein zweiter Befehl folgt. Also **\i Text**, aber **\i\b Text**.\\ The font (character)-formatting control words are listed in the following table. ^Control word ^Meaning^ |**\plain**|Reset font (character) formatting properties to a default value defined by the application (for example, bold, underline and italic are disabled; font size is reset to 12 pt). The associated font (character) formatting properties (described in the section "Associated Font (character) Properties" on page 37 of this Application Note) are also reset.| |\animtextN |Animated text properties. 1 Las Vegas Lights; 2 Blinking background; 3 Sparkle text; 4 Marching black ants; 5 Marching red ants; 6 Shimmer| |**\b**|Bold.*| |\caps |All capitals.*| |\charscalexN |Character scaling value. The N argument is a value representing a percentage (the default is 100).| |\deleted |Marks the text as deletion revision marked.*| |**\dnN** |Subscript position in half-points (the default is 6).| |\embo |Emboss.| |\impr |Engrave.| |**\sub** |Subscripts text and shrinks point size according to font information.| |\nosupersub |Turns off superscripting or subscripting.| |\expndN |Expansion or compression of the space between characters in quarter-points; a negative value compresses (the default is 0).| |\expndtwN |Expansion or compression of the space between characters in twips; a negative value compresses. For backward compatibility, both \expndtw and \expnd should be emitted.| |\kerningN |Point size (in half-points) above which to kern character pairs. \kerning0 turns off kerning.| |**\fN** |Font number. N refers to an entry in the font table.| |\fsN |Font size in half-points (the default is 24).| |**\i** |Italic.*| |\outl |Outline.*| |**\scaps** |Small capitals.*| |\shad |Shadow.*| |\strike |Strikethrough.*| |\strikedl |Double strikethrough.| |\ul |Continuous underline. \ul0 turns off all underlining.| |\uld |Dotted underline.| |\uldash |Dash underline.| |\uldashd |Dot dash underline.| |\uldashdd |Dot dot dash underline.| |\uldb |Double underline.| |\ulnone |Stops all underlining.| |\ulth |Thick underline| |\ulw |Word underline.| |\ulwave |Wave underline.| |**\upN** |Superscript position in half-points (the default is 6).| |**\super** |Superscripts text and shrinks point size according to font information.| |\v |Hidden text.*| |\cfN |Foreground color (the default is 0).| |\cbN |Background color (the default is 0).| |\rtlch |The character data following this control word will be treated as a right-to-left run.| |\ltrch |The character data following this control word will be treated as a left-to-right run (the default).| |\csN |Designates character style. If a character style is specified, style properties must be specified with the character run. N refers to an entry in the style table.| |\cchsN |Indicates any characters not belonging to the default document character set and tells which character set they do belong to. Macintosh character sets are represented by values greater than 255. The values for N correspond to the values for the \ fcharset control word.| |\langN |Applies a language to a character. N is a number corresponding to a language. The \plain control word resets the language property to the language defined by \deflangN in the document properties.| ===== Tabs ===== ^Control word^Meaning^ |\tab|Tabulator| ===== Absatz ===== ^Control word^Meaning^ |\par |New paragraph.| ===== Alignment ===== ^Control word^Meaning^ |\ql |Left-aligned (the default). | |\qr |Right-aligned. | |\qj |Justified.| |\qc |Centered. | ===== Indentation ===== ^Control word^Meaning^ |\fiN |First-line indent (the default is 0).| |\liN |Left indent (the default is 0). | |\riN |Right indent (the default is 0).|