



… ist die Tabellenkalkulatuion der Google-Wolke.

Alle üblichen Funktionen von Excel stehen in GoogleSpreadsheet zur Verfügung!

  • sogar bedingte Formatierung geht: „Format-Change colors with rules…“

Bei Cdnet gefunden

  • Live lookup via Google and Google Finance. This is only available for Spreadsheets, but it's one of the neater advanced tidbits that makes use of Internet connectivity. Using two special formulas, users can create cells that will update constantly with data or information gleaned from Web searches or Google's finance service. This works for things such as stock symbols, sports statistics, or any other piece of information you want to source and keep up to date automatically. Spreadsheets users can have up to 250 of these live-updating cells per spreadsheet.
    • To do a Web search for any item in a spreadsheet cell, just right click it.
  • Google search inside a spreadsheet. If you come across a word or phrase that's unfamiliar, or you want to find out more about it, you can search for it without leaving the page. Just highlight it, right click and choose „Search the Web.“ The results will open in a new browser window (Note: This doesn't work in Google Docs, just Spreadsheets.)
cloud/googlespread.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2009/11/24 20:50 (Externe Bearbeitung)