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Eiting and Formatting Content

[aus dem Jutoh User's Guide]

Index entries

If you mark your book with index entries, Jutoh can generate an alphabetical index section. Use Format | Insert | Index Entry (Shift+Ctrl+I) and enter the index entry name and, if necessary, one or two subcategories. A symbol will be inserted into the text.

The way the the index is presented is determined by settings within the Index tab in the Project Preferences dialog, under Indexes.

For more information about indexes, please see Chapter 12: Working With Indexes.

Chapter 12: Working With Indexes

Jutoh can help you with three kinds of index – table of contents, alphabetical index, and endnotes (or footnotes at the end of each section). For a simple book, you don’t have to know how to use these, and Jutoh will generate a simple table of contents automatically by default.

Creating an alphabetical index

Jutoh can create an alphabetical index if you insert index entries throughout your book. The items in the index are linked to the appropriate position in the book. Insert index entries by selecting some text for the entry and using the Format | Insert | Index Entry menu command. Or, you can leave the text unselected and type the entry in the Index Entry dialog.

When you press OK, the index entry will be inserted and shown as this symbol:

To edit the entry, simply click on the symbol.

You can create a multi-level index by filling in the Key 1 and Key 2 fields. These represent a category and a sub-category, and will be written with suitable indentation in the index section. For example, if you fill in the Entry, Key 1 and Key 2 fields with “Cat”, “Animal” and “Mammal” respectively, you would get Animal, Mammal, Cat in the index. The Entry field is always the final (most specific) item.

The index section is not created until you instruct Jutoh to do so, via the Index Properties page, or the Book | Update command.

In the following screen shot, two index entries have been added: Cat and Dog, each with Animal and Mammal keys. The items are linked back to their original position in the document; if there are multiple locations for the same index entry, linked numbers are shown instead following each entry.

If you need to add a ‘see’ or ‘see also’ entry, you can choose one of these options from the Type dropdown control, and then type text into the See entry. It will be placed by the relevant entry in the index, according to the entry and key fields. This kind of index entry doesn’t have to live anywhere in particular but is easy to lose, so consider inserting all ‘see’ and ‘see also’ entries into the same page.


You can edit various aspects of index presentation in the Index Properties page. Click on Edit on the toolbar or Book | Project Properties, or type Alt+Enter, then click on Indexes and finally on Index. Settings include the title of the section and how items are to be formatted. You can also specify that the index should be recreated every time the book is compiled (check Automatically build index) so you don’t have to remember to rebuild the index after editing. You can also edit the index itself here: you can change the text of items, remove them, and reorder them. These edits will only be retained if you answer No after clicking the Generate Index Now button. If you update the index from the Update Special Book Sections dialog, the index will be rebuilt from scratch, losing any edits.

Importing index entries

Index entries are imported from ODT documents. However, no special formatting (such as italics) can be applied to parts of entries or keys – they are simple text strings all formatted with the same style.


  • Die Index-Funktion von Jutoh erlaubt drei Indexstufen (Hauptthema, Unterthema und Unter-Unterthema), die wie bei OpenOffice/LibreOffice „Eintrag“, „1er Schlüssel“ und „2er Schlüssel“ heißen. Im Eintragsfeld steht immer der Begriff der untersten Indexstufe. Liegen also Hauptthema und Unterthema vor, steht das Hauptthema im Feld „1er Schlüssel“, das Unterthema im Feld „Eintrag“. Jutoh verwendet das Fokus-Prinzip von OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

  • Jutoh kann die Begriffe im Index direkt mit den Fundstellen verlinken oder Laufnummern ([1], [2] usw.) mit Links verwenden. Die Laufnummern werden entsprechend dem Auftreten der Fundstellen im Dokumenttext vergeben. Die Einstellungen dazu werden im Projekteigenschaften-Fenster (Menü <Buch - Projekteigenschaften - Index>) vorgenommen:

Begriffsverlinkung. Nummernverlinkung

Wenn ein Begriff mehrmals vorkommt, werden automatisch Nummern verwendet

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ebook/jutoh.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/01/12 20:54 (Externe Bearbeitung)